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Introducing... US!

Optical Illusions

Sometimes, we cannot see what is clear to someone else... instead, we are certain that we see is all that is there. This does not mean either of us are wrong; it gives us more of a chance to strengthen our understanding of what is truly there when we COLLABORATE

Need some help?

A student (she wishes to remain unnamed) thought that one strategy to help her classmates see what they could not would be to draw the outline of the more difficult image... it WORKED!

Sweet Like Candy...

Using Google Classroom and Insert Learning, we found out about how chocolate is made... and then we ate some. Happy Valentine's Day!

Lions and Wildebeests and Group Dynamics, Oh, MY!

How can you move 3 Lions and 3 Wildebeests across a river, without ever having more lions than wildebeests on either side? 
Check out the
Ted Ed solution if you can't figure it out!

More importantly, how well do you work in a group? How can you be a leader among your peers?

A group demonstrating how they moved all six animals across the river

What's in a Game?

Narratives, themes, characters, conflicts, resolutions, purposeful design, clear instructions, strategy, luck, cooperation, competition...

What will be in YOUR game?

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